Q6 . The steering gear operation of a vessel that recently experienced a heavy storm is found to be abnormally sluggish.
(a) State FIVE reasons for possible malfunction of the gear. (5)
(b) State the corrective actions that may be carried out at sea, that will allow the vessel to continue to the nearest port. (5)
Q3. With reference to main propulsion shaft systems:
(a) describe a method of hydraulic jacking to check bearing loads; (5)
(b) sketch the Bearing Load versus Shift Lift Dial Gauge Reading graph obtained by the method described in part (a), annotating the graph and how the characteristic of bearing load is obtained. (5)
Q4. (a) State the affinity laws for a centrifugal pump. (3)
(b) State the effects on the pump affinity laws of fitting a slightly smaller diameter impeller. (2)
(c) Explain, with the aid of a Head versus Flow diagram, why a two speed pump is preferable to throttling where high and low capacities are demanded for a large sea water circulating pump.(5)
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