Q12.Describe the in-water survey to classification society requirements of the underwater structure of a very large carrier. (10)
Note: This is a very old question. The question is usually about “Very large crude carrier. However, here the question is just about very large carrier.
>> Answer below is elaborate, the question itself is unclear as to which portion of in-water survey is required. General requirements for IWS & Onsite requirement (in ship while performing IWS) is given below, I have tried to condense it from MGN 546(M).
2020/AUG ? Most candidates answered this question and scored reasonable marks, some were a bit a bit scarce on detail of how the survey is carried out.
2017/MAR ? Not the most popular question in the paper however eight candidates who attempted this got 10 out of 10 and others scored quite highly too. Some candidates however scored zero marks for not describing an in-water survey, instead they just listed a number of items that would be inspected in a dry dock. No mention of divers, ROV’s or even of a surveyor being present. No mention of video and still camera recordings, in fact not a mention that the vessel was in the water.
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