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EK-Motor : 2013/MAR/01 – 2014/DEC/03 – 2016/JUL/06 – 2016/DEC/01 – 2018/MAR/03 – 2019/DEC/08 – 2024/DEC/07

Q8. (a) Write a procedure for the action a duty engineer should take on being called to the engine room during a UMS period in the event of an engine slowdown due to a high cylinder exhaust temperature on the main propulsion engine. (6)

(b) State, with reasons, the possible causes of a high exhaust temperature on a single cylinder of a main propulsion engine. (5)

(c) Explain why a defect resulting in a high exhaust temperature on one cylinder can cause engine damage if the engine is not slowed down when the fault initially occurs. (5)

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