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EK-Motor : 2022/JUL/07 – 2020/AUG/07 – 2020/OCT/09 – 2023/JUL/08 – 2024/MAR/02

Q7. (a)  Describe, with the aid of a sketch, a main engine fresh water cooling water system, incorporating HT and LT systems.

(b). Describe the charge air supply system for a turbocharged engine, explaining the purpose of each main part. (6)

Asked in Year/Month/Ques No.

>> Part A of the question says, ‘with the aid of sketch’ and Part B doesn’t. Its difficult to draw both the systems in the exam due to time constraint. hence, I have made an exploded view of JCW system and block diagram for part B.

Marker's Feedback

2020/AUG>>  Some sketches did not show the difference between the HT and LT systems but just described engine cooling systems. The fact that part (b) deals with a charge air system should have given a clue that there is charge air cooling in the HT and LT cooling water systems.

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