Q12. (a) Explain the function and location of EACH of the following:
(i) watertight doors; (3)
(ii) weathertight doors. (3)
(b) Explain why a bilge injection valve is incorporated into the main sea water system, describing how it is tested. (4)
Q13. With reference to ship construction, explain the purpose of EACH of the following, stating where EACH are located:
(a) duct keel; (2)
(b) bilge keel; (2)
(c) collision bulkhead; (2)
(d) camber; (2)
(e) flare. (2)
Q14. With reference to drydocking a vessel:
(a) state the essential pre-docking information that should be given to the drydock authority; (5)
(b) describe the hull inspection and maintenance that may be carried out in drydock. (5)
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