Q1. Describe EACH of the following properties of materials:
(a) strength; (2)
(b) hardness; (2)
(c) ductility; (2)
(d) toughness (2)
(e) brittleness. (2)
Q2. (a) Describe, with the aid of a Strain versus Time diagram, how a creep test is carried out to determine the strain rate of the material under test. (6)
(b) Explain EACH of the stages sketched in the diagram in part (a). (4)
Q3. (a) Sketch an annotated block diagram of a closed loop control circuit. (5)
(b) Describe how the control loop sketched in Q(a) operates. (5)
Q4. (a) Define propeller slip, explaining how it is calculated. (2)
(b) State, with reasons, FOUR conditions which will affect the propeller slip. (8)
Q5. With reference to centrifugal separators used for oily bilge duty:
(a) explain why centrifugal oily water separators are superior to those which rely on gravity (3)
(b) describe, with the aid of a sketch, how flow over the centrifugal separator plates can break down emulsions by encouraging flocculation of particles and coalescence of droplets; (5)
(c) state how the bilge overboard control valve can only operate by the Chief Engineer:(1)
(d) state a value of overboard parts per million oil content that may be set which is below the generally recommended value. (1)
Q1. With reference to plate heat exchangers, explain how EACH of the following design aspects promote heat transfer:
(a) material selection;(5)
(b) flow pattern; (3)
(c) extended surface area. (2)
Q7. Sketch a hydraulic circuit for a FOUR ram steering gear that allows FIVE different ram combinations to be used, identifying EACH ram and valve combination. (10)
Q8. With reference to fixed installations for machinery space fires:
(a) sketch a CO2 bottled system; (5)
(b) explain how the system sketched in part (a) is protected from overpressure; (2)
(c) describe the periodic maintenance required. (3)
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