Q4. Explain with aid of sketches, the gas combustion process in a dual fuel medium speed main engine, operating with pilot injection. (10)
Explain exhaust is meant by exhaust gas recirculation and how this may be effective in reducing air pollution. (6)
Q6. a. Describe, with the aid of a sketch a diesel engine fuel system which employs direct injection of liquid gas into the cylinders. (12)
b. Explain the advantages of this type of gas injection system compared with the use of gaseous fuel in the form of gas. (4)
Q8. (a) Describe with the aid of sketches the operation of a four-stroke dual fuel engine,
explaining how the correct amount of gaseous and liquid fuels are supplied to the cylinders to meet the power requirement and how the cylinder charge is ignited. (10)
(b) State, with reasons, three problems associated with the burning of gaseous fuels in a
diesel engine, indicating how these problems may be overcome. (6)
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