Q1. Write a report to the Superintendent Engineer regarding a number of cases of severe damage to medium speed engine exhaust valves in the previous 12 months. The report must outline the probable cause of the damage and must suggest future steps to avoid similar incidents. (16)
Q7. Following a serious machinery space fire, the engine room was abandoned and an inert gas smothering agent used to extinguish the fire.
Write a report to the Superintendent Engineer detailing the sequence of events which led to this course of action and the subsequent actions taken to enable the vessel to proceed on passage. Include conclusions and recommendations in the report. (10)
Q12. As Chief Engineer Officer on a new vessel which is experiencing severe aft end vibration at full-service speed, write a report to the Engineer Superintendent suggesting reasons for the vibration and recommendations for further sister vessels presently under construction. (10)
Q2. As Chief Engineer Officer onboard a vessel which has lost 50 litres of lubricating oil from the stern tube system to sea overnight, write a report to the Superintendent Engineer outlining the actions taken to rectify the leakage and any other further recommendations. (10)
Q8. As Chief Engineer Officer, write a report to the Superintendent Engineer naming the items and describing the examinations that were carried out during a safety equipment survey with regard to fire safety. (10)
Q1. As Chief Engineer Officer, write a report to the engineering superintendent regarding failure of a four-stroke main engine to complete a slow turning procedure and the discovery of water around a cylinder head gasket after the failed slow turning attempt. The report must outline possible causes of the problem and the steps taken to identify the exact cause. The report must also explain the measures taken to rectify the defect(s) and the steps taken to prevent similar future incidents. (16)
Q6. Write a report to the superintendent engineer concerning an incident of cracking which was discovered in one piston of a main diesel engine and the subsequent discovery of cracking in another piston of the same engine. The report must include information about the immediate action taken to prevent further damage to the engine, the subsequent action to remedy the fault and recommendations to prevent subsequent future incidents. (16)
Q5. Write a report for the engineering superintendent regarding the replacement of the fuel injectors of three main engine units due to severe erosion of the nozzle holes and burning of the injector tips. The report must explain how the defects were detected, the likely cause of the damage and the action which has been instituted to prevent further incidents of this type. (16)
Q1. Write a report to the Superintendent Engineer regarding the failure of an engine to complete an automatically programmed Slow Turn operation and the actions taken to discover and rectify the cause of the problem after it had been determined that the starting air system and slow turning control system were operating correctly. (16)
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