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EK-Motor : 2019/JUL/01 – 2020/JUL/09 – 2021/MAR/03 – 2022/DEC/03 – 2024/MAR/04 – 2024/OCT/04

Q3. With reference to turbocharger systems:

Describe how performance of the system is monitored and how the information gathered is used to assess performance; (8)

Describe the arrangements for maintaining the systems in good condition. (8)

Asked in Year/Month/Ques No.
Marker's Feedback

2021/MAR Generally too much padding and not enough actual detail. Information about the parameters which are monitored and how they are monitored was required together with how the information is used. It is not good enough to state that temperatures are taken before and after a cooler unless an explanation as to what is done with the information is included. The temperature drop and what it does to the system are what matters, not the gathering of the information.

>> The question aimed at assessing a candidate`s ability to understand why parameters were measured. Parameter values are not just for filling in spaces in the log book, they are taken for a purpose.

>> A good and competent engineer must be able to understand what is going on inside equipment from the data obtained from instruments.

2020/JUL Again answers tended to be in essay form when a tabular approach would have been more logical and the candidate would then have been able to see which topics had been covered. Stating that temperatures/pressures, etc. are taken is not enough, the answer lies in what you do with the information gathered.

2019/JUL Most candidates simply indicated items which needed to be monitored by writing “check xxxxx” and did not mention what information was gathered (such as pressure, temperature, etc.) and, crucially, how that information was used to assess performance; eg, increased pressure drop across the inlet air filter indicates that filter cleaning is required.

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