Q1. Describe, with the aid of a graph, EACH of the following types of ferrous material failure, stating ONE practical example of EACH:
1. creep; (5)
2. fatigue. (5)
Q4. (a) Define propeller slip, explaining how it is calculated. (2)
(b) State, with reasons, FOUR conditions which will affect the propeller slip. (8)
Q3. Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the operation of a static Oily Water Separator which conforms to current MARPOL regulations and utilises a pump on the discharge side of the separator. (10)
Q5. With reference to centrifugal pumps:
(a) state the operating principle of a centrifugal pump and why it is unnecessary to fit a relief valve to it; (2)
(b) State TWO impeller types, explaining which type of application EACH would be best suited for; (4)
(c) Explain why cavitation occurs, and how it is reduced by design; (4)
Q5. (a) State the regulations pertaining to the main and auxiliary steering gear with reference to EACH of the following:
(i) rudder angle and time of operation;(2)
(ii) electrical supply. (3)
(b) With reference to a hydraulic steering gear, explain EACH of the following:
(i) the factors that may contribute to the failure of a hydraulic pipe coupling; (2)
(ii) what is meant by the single failure concept. (3)
Q6. With reference to pneumatic instrument and control systems:
(a) sketch a control air dryer as fitted downstream from the instrument air compressor or reducing valve; ( 6)
(b) explain the operation of the dryer sketched in part (a). (4)
Q7. (a) The international management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention, is commonly referred to as the ISM code.
(A) Explain the objectives of ism and how are they achieved. (5)
(b) List five emergency scenarios for which contingency plans may be developed under ism with respect to the engine room (5)
Q8. With reference to fixed installations for machinery space fires:
(a) sketch a CO2 bottled system; (5)
(b) explain how the system sketched in part (a) is protected from overpressure; (2)
(c) describe the periodic maintenance required. (3)
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