Q3. As Chief Engineer Officer write a report to the engineering superintendent regarding the failure of a high-pressure fuel pump unit on an electronically controlled engine. The report must explain the nature of the failure, how the failure was detected, and the immediate action taken.
The report must also explain the actions taken to replace the pump and the steps taken to minimise the risk of future similar fuel pump failures. (16)
Q4. as chief engineer officer write a report to the company superintendent engineer concerning bacterial attack of lubricating oil in the sumps of the main engine and one of the generator engines. The report should explain how the attack was detected, damage found in the engines, investigations in the possible cause of the attack, how the immediate problem was resolved and how future incidents may be prevented. (16)
Q8. (a) Write a procedure for the action a duty engineer should take on being called to the engine room during a UMS period in the event of an engine slowdown due to a high cylinder exhaust temperature on the main propulsion engine. (6)
(b) State, with reasons, the possible causes of a high exhaust temperature on a single cylinder of a main propulsion engine. (5)
(c) Explain why a defect resulting in a high exhaust temperature on one cylinder can cause engine damage if the engine is not slowed down when the fault initially occurs. (5)
Q5. (a) Describe with the aid of sketches, the procedure for lifting a cylinder cover from a slow speed crosshead engine, explaining how the lifting gear is attached to the cover. (6)
(b) State the risks that may be associated with lifting a cylinder cover using the procedure described in part (a). (4)
(c) Describe the arrangements which must be in place to ensure that all lifting equipment has a current test certificate and is fit for operation. (6)
Q9. (a) Define the term Torsional Vibration with respect to an engine crankshaft, stating the effect that high levels can have on an engine crankshaft. (6)
(b) Explain how engine deterioration influences the risk of Torsional Vibration, stating what can be done to minimize that risk. (4)
(c) Explain TWO possible reasons for the activation of a Torsional Vibration alarm after an engine has been started if there had been no previous history of such an alarm and if no maintenance had been undertaken on the engine whilst it was stopped. (6)
Q7. (a) Explain why charge air coolers are fitted to turbocharged diesel engines, stating the possible effects on engine operation and performance if they are not maintained in good condition. (6)
(b) As Chief Engineer Officer, write instructions for the routine in-service checking of charge air cooler performance and cleanliness together with the checking of condensate draining. (6)
(c) State, with reasons, the possible consequences if condensate is not drained from the charge air cooler. (4)
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