Q1. (a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, a main engine holding down system explaining how the design features help prevent excessive stress in the holding down studs. (8)
(b) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, an engine top bracing arrangement, explaining why they are fitted and checked for operational performance. (8)
Q2. (a) Sketch a main engine fuel system from the HFO and Low Sulphur service tanks to the main engine, showing all important valves. (6)
(b) Using the sketch drawn in part (a), write instructions for the changeover of a main engine fuel system from HFO to Low Sulphur fuel, indicating the timescale for each operation. (10)
Q5. (a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the arrangement of the gas and liquid fuel systems at the cylinder of a dual fuel 4-stroke engine, stating the input and output signals at the controller. (12)
(b) Describe the arrangement of the gas fuel piping system used for a 4-stroke dual fuel engine, stating the safety features incorporated. (4)
Q3. With reference to a Closed Loop engine exhaust gas SOX scrubber system:
a. Describe, with the aid of a sketch, such a system; (8)
b. State, with reasons, the fluid which is used for SOX scrubbing in this system; (4)
c. State how the effectiveness of the scrubbing fluid is maintained and how the sludge is removed and disposed of. (4)
Q1. Write a report for the engineering superintendent regarding the replacement at sea of bearings on one of the main engine turbochargers. The report must explain how the bearing defects were detected, the likely cause of the damage and the action which has been implemented to prevent further incidents of this type.(16)
Q6. (a) As Chief Engineer, explain how the performance of a main diesel engine may be determined, indicating how the information collected is analysed to assess the performance of an individual cylinder in relation to the overall engine performance. (6)
(b) Explain how defective fuel injection may be detected stating, with reasons, the causes of defective cylinder fuel injection. (6)
(c) Explain the causes of afterburning in a single cylinder of a diesel engine, stating how this may be brought to the attention of the duty engineer. (4)
Q4. With reference to cylinder liner scuffing:
(a) explain how it is caused, stating the method of detection; (6)
(b) explain the effects of cylinder liner scuffing; (4)
(c) explain how minor scuffing may be treated in order to avoid the need for liner replacement. (6)
Q8. (a) Write a procedure for the action a duty engineer should take on being called to the engine room during a UMS period in the event of an engine slowdown due to a high cylinder exhaust temperature on the main propulsion engine. (6)
(b) State, with reasons, the possible causes of a high exhaust temperature on a single cylinder of a main propulsion engine. (5)
(c) Explain why a defect resulting in a high exhaust temperature on one cylinder can cause engine damage if the engine is not slowed down when the fault initially occurs. (5)
Q1. (a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the lubrication systems of a crosshead type slow speed diesel engine. (8)
(b) Explain the properties required by the lubricating oil in each of the systems described in part (a), stating how these properties compare with those of a lubricating oil used in the crankcase of a trunk piston type diesel engine. (8)
Q2. A. Describe, with the aid of a sketch, the lubrication systems of a crosshead type diesel engine. (8)
B. Explain the properties required by the lubricating oil in each of the systems described in part (a), stating how these properties compare with those of a lubricating oil used in the crankcase of a trunk piston type diesel engine
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