Q2. With reference to steels used in shipbuilding and marine engineering:
(a) describe EACH of the following types of failure;
(i) Brittle failure; (2) (ii) Ductile failure. (2)
(b) Explain the term ductile to brittle transition stating the factor that determines ductile to brittle transition. (2)
(c) Describe a test to determine the value of brittle fracture of a specimen test piece. (4)
Q2. (a) Describe, with the aid of a sketch, a temperature measuring instrument that uses the principle of operation of a change in resistance with the application of heat. (6)
(b) Describe how the instrument sketched in part (a) is tested and calibrated. (4)
Q2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of electrical remote monitoring and control systems compared to pneumatic systems. (10)
Q4. With reference to main thrust block arrangements
(a) Explain how the tilting pads assist in the formation of an oil wedge (2)
(b) Describe the actions that may be taken if upon inspection the pads are found to be
(i) Lightly scored (2)
(ii) Wiped (2)
(c) Explain how the thrust clearance may be measured, stating a typical value (2)
(d) State the possible effects if the thrust clearance is incorrect (2)
Q5. With reference to centrifugal pumps;
(a) Sketch double entry impeller showing directions of flow (3)
(b) Explain why double entry impellers are fitted (2)
(c) Explain, with the aid of a head versus flow diagram, why a two speed pump is preferable to throttling where high and low capacities are demanded for a large sea water circulating pump. (5)
Q6. (a) Sketch an oily water separator that compiles with current MARPOL regulations.
(b) Describe a monitoring system that ensures that the oil discharge content is below the recommended maximum and that logs and retains data. Also mention any other measures to ensure that illegal discharges are prohibited.
Q7. (a) State the possible causes for EACH of the following auxiliary diesel engine lubricating oil sample results
(i) High acidity (2) (ii) High sediment content (2)
(iii) Excessive water content (2) (iv) Fuel dilution (2)
(b) explain which of the results in Q(a) would give greatest concern (2)
Q7. (a) The international management code for the safe operation of ships and for pollution prevention, is commonly referred to as the ISM code.
(A) Explain the objectives of ism and how are they achieved. (5)
(b) List five emergency scenarios for which contingency plans may be developed under ism with respect to the engine room (5)
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