Q3. (a) Explain how power is transmitted through main propulsion shafting. (3)
(b) State THREE operational factors that may induce high stress in shaft coupling bolts. (3)
(c) Sketch a hydraulic type of shaft coupling bolt. (4)
Q3. With reference to propeller shaft alignment:
(a) state the objectives of a satisfactory alignment; (3)
(b) state the conditions that must be met to achieve satisfactory alignment; (3)
(c) explain what is meant by fair curve alignment. (4)
Q13. Describe, with the aid of sketches, how main propulsion efficiency can be improved by the addition of EACH of the following:
(a) ducted propeller (Kort nozzle) ;(5)
(b) vane or Grim wheel aft of the propeller. (5)
Q3. (A) Sketch a muff type propeller shaft coupling (5)
(b) Describe how this type of coupling is connected (5)
Q4. (a) Sketch a hydraulic type of shaft coupling bolt. (4)
(b) State the advantages of the arrangement in part (a) compared to conventional bolts. (3)
(c) State THREE operational Factors that may induce high stress in shaft coupling bolts.(3)
Q4. (a) Explain how power is transmitted through main shafting. (2)
(b) State FOUR operational factors that may induce high stress in coupling bolts.(4)
(c) Sketch a coupling bolt of improved design.(4)
Q14. Describe how EACH of the following defects on a solid propeller may be repaired whilst a ship is in drydock
(a) Bent blades (2) (b) Damaged blade tips (4) (c) Pieces of blade missing (4)
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