Statutory Certificates to be carried by a ship

What are Statutory Certificates? & Mandatory Certificates?
– Those certificates which are required by the law with respect to safety and environment protection that the vessel is required to comply with, are called statutory certificates.
What are Mandatory Certificates?
1 . Certificates which are required for trading purpose. Ship’s registry certificate is a mandatory certificate however for Indian Ship’s it is Statutory Certificate. OPA’90 is a Statutory certificate for ship’s transiting in U.S waters but mandatory for other ship’s.
1. Certificate of Registry
1. The Certificate of Registry indicates the Nationality of the ship.
2. To obtain certf. of registry, the owner must enter his ship in the official register of that country and only then can fly the flag of that country.
3. The Flag State will in turn ask the owner to comply with the International Rules for the safety of ship, persons and Prevention of Oil Pollution.
4. On Registry of the ship, the registrar shall retain in his custody, the surveyor’s certf. the builder’s certf., the instrument of sale and the declaration of ownership.
5. The certificate is valid until a change is applied for.
2. International Tonnage Certificate
1.Required by the Tonnage Convention of 1969 and applicable to vessels engaged in International voyage of more than ’24’ mtrs in length.
2. NO EXPIRY DATE except when alterations I conversions are carried out or with a change of flag.
3. Once there is a change of flag, then the old certificate is valid upto ‘3’ months from the date of transfer.
4. Tonnage Certificate is a Flag State requirement for registration and is used for port taxation.
3.A) International Load-line Certificate
1. Applicable : All vessels engaged on International voyage of more than ’24’ mtrs in length and more than ‘150’ GT.
2. Duration : Maximum ‘5’ yrs from the date of Issue of Initial Survey.
3. Extension : NO extension permitted except if the ship is not in port at the time of expiry of the Certf., then extension may be given for a maximum period of ‘3’ months so that the vessel can complete its voyage.
4. Surveys:
a) Initial Survey before the ship is put into service.
b) Renewal survey not exceeding ‘5’ yrs.
c) Annual survey within ‘3’ months before/after each anniversary date to ensure alterations have not been made and the load line and the freeboard marks are correctly indicated.
5. Endorsements : The annual surveys shall be endorsed on the certificate.
6. Issuing Authority : Administration or Authorized Authority.
3.B) International Load-line Exemption Certificate
Exemption : When a ship is required to undertake a single International voyage or as the case maybe.
4) Minimum Safe Manning Certificate
1. This Certificate indicates the minimum people on board when the ship proceeds to sea in terms of officers, ratings, catering, cabin department.
2. Validity : ‘5’ Yrs
3. It remains valid till the validity of the Certificate of Registry provided there is no change of name, company, navigating area or undergone major alterations.
5) International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPP)
Form A/B
1. Applicable : Oil tankers, 150 GT and above, other ship’s 400 GT and above.
2. Duration : Maximum ‘5’ yrs from the date of issue of Initial survey.
3. Extension – NO extension permitted.
4. Surveys:
a) Initial survey before the ship is put into service.
b) Mandatory annual survey or unscheduled survey during the validity of the certificate within ‘6’ months before or after the half validity of the certificate.
c) One Intermediate survey during the validity of the certificate within ‘6’ months before and after the half validity of the certificate.
d) A Periodical (Renewal) Survey not exceeding ‘5’ yrs.
5. Endorsements : The annual surveys, periodical and Intermediate survey shall be endorsed on the certificate.
6. Issuing authority & Surveys: Administration or Authorized Authority (Class).
7. TOPP Certificate is supplemented by a Record of Construction and Equipment.
8. Form ‘A for ships other than Oil tankers & Form ‘B’ for Oil tankers.
6) Document of Compliance (DOC)
1. Company has DOC as required by the ISM Code. A copy of DOC should be on board indicating the name of the vessel.
2. Validity : ‘5’ yrs
3. Surveys : Annual verification within ‘3’ months of the anniversary date.
4. DOC is withdrawn if the annual verification is not requested or if there are Nonconformities.
5. All associated SMC is withdrawn, if DOC is withdrawn.
6. DOC copy on board is not required to be certified.
7. Renewal survey within ‘3’ months before the expiry of the existing certificate.
8. New DOC is valid from the date, the Renewal survey is completed for a period not
exceeding ‘5’ yrs from the date of expiry of the existing DOC.
9. Interim DOC issued to:
a) New company, or
b) New ships is to be added to the existing DOC.
– Validity of Interim DOC is ’12’ months.
7 ) Safety Management Certificate
1.SMC issued to the ship.
2. Validity : ‘5’ yrs.
3. Survey: One Intermediate survey between the 2nd & 3rd Anniversary date.
4. Renewal Survey carried out within ‘3’ months before/after the expiry of the existing certificate.
5. New SMC is valid from the date the Renewal survey is completed for a period not exceeding ‘5’ yrs from the date of expiry of the existing SMC.
6. If a ship at the time the SMC expires is not in port, then extension is given only for the vessel to complete its voyage to port but not more than ‘3’ months.
7. Interim SMC issued to :
a) New ship on delivery or
b) New to the company or
c) Change of Flag.
– Validity of Interim Certificate: not exceeding ‘6’ months.
8. SMC maybe further extended for ‘6’ months.
8 ) International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
1. Applicable : All ships on International voyages of ‘400’ GT and above and carrying more than ’15’ persons.
2. Validity : ‘5’ yrs.
3. In force : January’ 2013
4. Requirement : Sewage treatment plant or Sewage disinfecting system or Holding Tank.
5. NO SURVEYS except equipment is changed, repaired f0llowing an accident.
6. Extension : If the ship is not in port at the time of expiry of the certificate, then extension may be given for a maximum period of ‘5’ months.
7. Certificate SEASES to be valid if:
a) the ship has done some major alterations,
b) Change of Flag.
9) International Ship Security Certificate
1. Applicable : All passenger ships and cargo ships of ‘500’ GT and upwards.
2. Validity : ‘5’ yrs.
3. Survey : Intermediate survey between the 2nd & 3rd anniversary date.
4. Renewal Survey carried out within ‘3’ months before/after the expiry of the existing certificate.
5. New ISSC is valid from Renewal Survey for a period not exceeding ‘5’ yrs from the date of expiry of the existing certificate.
6. If a ship at the time the ISSC expires is not in port, the extension is given only for the vessel to complete its voyage to port but not more than ‘3’months.
7. Endorsements: Intermediate and Renewal Survey shall be endorsed on the Certificate.
8. Interim ISSC issued to :
a) New ship on delivery or
b) New to the company.
10)A) Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate
1. This is the only certificate monitored by the master.
2. Issued when no evidence of Public health risk is found on board and the ship is free of infection and contamination.
3. Valid for ‘6’ months and can be extended for ‘1’ month upto the next port.
4. Certificate issued by the port health officer.
10)B) Ship Sanitation Control Certificate
1. Ship Sanitation Control Certificate is issued when evidence of a public health risk is detected on board and after required control measures have been satisfactorily completed.
2. The SSC must record the evidence found and the control measures taken.
3. Valid for ‘6’ months and can be extended for ‘1’ month upto the next port.
4. Certificate issued by the port health officer.
11) Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
1. Applicable : Passenger ships on International Voyage.
2. Validity : ’12’ months.
3. Extension : If ship is not in port at the time of expiry of certificate, then extension is given only for the vessel to complete its voyage to port but not more than ‘3’ months.
4. Surveys : Initial & Renewal.
5. Endorsement : Relevant Survey.
6. Certificate supplemented with Record of Equipment Form ‘P’.
7. This includes Safety Construction, Safety Equipment & Safety Radio.
12) Safety Construction Certificate
1. Applicable : Cargo ships on International Voyage of 500 GT and above.
2. Validity : ‘5’ yrs.
3. Certificate CEASES if endorsements not done as required or with a Change of Flag.
4. Extension : If a ship at the time the certificate expires is not in port then extension is given only for the vessel to complete its voyage to port but not more than ‘3’ months.
5. Surveys:
a) Initial Survey before the ship is put in service,
b) A Renewal Survey not exceeding ‘5’ yrs,
c) An Annual Survey within ‘3’ months or after each anniversary date,
d) Intermediate Survey within ‘3’ months or after the 2nd to 3rd anniversary dates.
6. Endorsements: Annual, Intermediate, Renewal.
7. Issuing Authority and Surveys: Administration or Authorized Authority (Class).
13) Safety Equipment Certificate ( Form E)
1. Applicable : Cargo ships on an International Voyage of 500 GT and above.
2. Validity : Maximum ‘5’ yrs from the date of issue of Initial Survey.
3. Certificate CEASES if endorsements not done as required or with a Change of Flag.
4. Extension : If a ship at the time the certificate expires is not in port then extension is
given only for the vessel to complete its voyage to port but not more than ‘3’ months.
5. Surveys:
a) Initial Survey before the ship is put in service.
b) A Renewal Survey not exceeding ‘5’ yrs.
c) An Annual Survey within ‘3’ months before or after each anniversary date.
d) Periodical Survey (Intermediate) Survey within ‘3’ months before or after the 2nd to 3rd anniversary dates.
6. Endorsements : Annual, Periodical & Renewal.
7. Issuing Authority and Surveys: Administration or Authorized Authority (Class).
8. Certificate supplemented by a Record of Equipment, Form ‘E’.
14) Safety Radio Certificate (Form R)
1. Applicable: Cargo ships on International Voyage of ‘500’ GT and above and equipped with a GMDSS System.
2. Validity : ‘5’ yrs.
3. Certificate CEASES if endorsements not done as required or with a Change of Flag.
4. Extension : If a ship at the time the certificate expires is not in port then extension is
given only for the vessel to complete its voyage to port but not more than ‘3’ months.
5. Surveys:
a) Initial Survey before the ship is put in service.
b) A Renewal Survey not exceeding ‘5’ yrs.
c) An Periodical (Annual) Survey within ‘3’ months before or after each anniversary date.
6. Endorsements : Periodical & Renewal.
7. Issuing Authority and Surveys: Administration or Authorized Authority (Class).
8. Certificate is supplemented by a Record of Equipment, Form ‘R’.
15) Safety Certificate (Form ‘C’)
1. Applicable: Cargo ships on International Voyage of ‘500’ GT and above.
2. Validity : ‘5’ yrs.
3. Certificate CEASES if endorsements not done as required or with a Change of Flag.
4. Extension : If a ship at the time the Certificate expires is not in port then extension is given only for the vessel to complete its voyage to port but not more than ‘3’ months.
5. Surveys: All Surveys required by SAFCON, SEQ & Safety Radio.
6. Certificate is supplemented by a Record of Equipment, Form ‘C’.
16) Civil Liability Certificate with respect for damage by Oil Pollution
1. Applies to vessels carrying Oil in bulk as cargo of more than ‘2000’ tonnes.
2. The liability is to cover Oil spill from Laden tankers and not from a tanker in Ballast or Cargo vessel.
3. Compensation is as indicated as per GRT and in currency SOR (Special Drawing Rights).
4. The Certificate may be a Bank Guarantee or delivered by an International Compensation Fund.
5. Validity : ‘1’ year and renewed before 20th February each year.
17) International Pollution Prevention Certificate for Noxious Liquid substances in Bulk
( NLS Certificate)
1. Applicable : All ships carrying Noxious Liquid in Bulk.
2. Validity : ‘5’ yrs.
3. Certificate CEASES if endorsement not done as required or wim a Change of Flag.
4. Extension: No Extension Granted.
5. Reference :IBC Code.
6. Surveys:
a) Initial Survey before the ship is put in service.
b) Annual survey within’3′ months before or after each anniversary date.
c) Intermediate Survey between 2nd & 3rd anniversary.
d) Renewal Survey not exceeding ‘5’ yrs.
18 ) International Certificate of Fitness for Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
1. Applicable : All ships carrying liquid gases in bulk.
2. Having a Vapour Pressure exceeding 2.8 bar absolute at temperature of 37.8 deg C.
3. Certificate CEASES if endorsements not done as required or with a Change of Flag.
4. Extension: No Extension granted.
5. Reference :IGC Code.
6. Surveys:
a) Initial Survey before the ship is put in service.
b) Annual survey within’3′ months before or after each anniversary date.
c) Intermediate Survey between 2nd & 3rd anniversary.
d) Renewal Survey not exceeding ‘5’ yrs.
19) International Certificate for Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (COF)
1. Applicable : All ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk.
2. Validity : ‘5’ yrs.
3. Certificate CEASES if endorsements not done as required or with a Change of Flag.
4. Extension : No extension .granted.
5. Reference : IBC Code.
6. Surveys:
a) Initial Survey before the ship is put in service.
b) Annual survey within’3′ months before or after each anniversary date.
c) Intermediate Survey between 2nd & 3rd anniversary.
d) Renewal Survey not exceeding ‘5’ yrs.